Your initial post is due on Friday, and your response to a classmate is due Sunday.
Read the essential question, and write a thoughtful post. You must cite at least one passage from Lord of the Flies to support your thinking about the question. Your post must be at least 100 words. You must use the CLAIM, EVIDENCE, ELABORATION model. Your response to a classmate must also be thoughtful. You must respond to at least one other classmate. Your response must be at least 50 words. No citation from the text is necessary for your response. 4. When is the restriction of freedom a good thing?
Eric Lo,Period 5
11/26/2012 02:00:19 pm
Claim: Restrictions of freedom are a good thing when rules are needed. When rules are the only thing that would be keeping the group sane and afloat.
Brandon Yip Period 5
12/2/2012 12:29:17 pm
Your quote shows what a group of people should do if they are stranded in a distant area far from their home or destination. Rules are pretty much the most important things in a group. It keeps things more under control than Jack's way of thinking. Ralph should have tried harder to keep the group together than being laid back.
Aren Lim Period 5
12/6/2012 01:25:56 pm
Your quote really made me think about how restrictions are very useful when you need to make rules. When everything is going out of control, you need some sort of control to get everybody to get together and solve problems. Your evidence really put your claim in the spotlight, and your elaboration really brightened up you claim.
Lika M. Period 5
11/27/2012 03:13:18 am
Claim: The restriction of freedom is a good thing when trying to start a new civilization or government.
Andrew L. , Period 5
11/28/2012 12:02:54 pm
This quote brings the sagacity of what Ralph could typically become. As Ralph recalls what is at stake, he clearly perceives that his only way to succeed is to take responsibility. Ralph tries to voice his thoughts; he is continuously rebuked by the perfidy of Jack's attitude towards the whole idea of unity. Ralph has the right idea and encourages the thought over to Jack.
Eric Lo, Period 5
11/29/2012 01:15:29 pm
This quote shows how people need rules to grow something. In a community, you need rules to see how far the community can go until something bad occurs. If nothing happens then the rules you have provided are potent enough to withstand the community. But in others, make risk will be involved and more and more rules would be added. Freedom is something people take for granted but should also have its limits.
Jacelyn K., Per 6
11/30/2012 11:53:18 pm
I agree with you completely. Though freedom can be a good thing, it needs to be limited in order to keep chaos from ensuing, especially in a group of young boys without the sense of government or civilization.
Cally M., Period 5
12/1/2012 06:50:56 am
I agree with your statement that restriction of freedom is needed for the establishment of a civilization and government. Laws restrict freedom, but for a good purpose. They are set to maintain order and guide people to do the right things. By pointing out Jack’s violation of the rules, Ralph is showing that he understands the importance of restriction of freedom.
Andrew L. , Period 5
11/28/2012 11:54:22 am
CLAIM: The restriction of freedom is a good thing when one pursues the goal to establish a civilization, suitable for all.
Justin Tang
11/28/2012 12:33:47 pm
I agree with your claim because someone needs to pursue the goal of establishing a civilization. Usually people fight for freedom but when someone is trying to establish a base for everyone to stand on, it is okay for that person to take the lead. Someone needs to organize the group together and lead them to safety.
Justin Tang
11/28/2012 01:03:51 pm
Claim: Restriction of freedom is a good thing when someone is in charge and trying their hardest to bring everyone up.
Tara D., Period 5
11/30/2012 01:11:16 pm
I agree with your claim because that is what Ralph kept trying to do, trying his hardest to bring everyone up because he was the chief Even though Ralph himself was scared and wanted to be rescued, he still stay strong for the little ones who were scared of the beast and who yearned to be rescued and go home.
Lika M. Period 5
12/1/2012 02:26:35 pm
This passage made me consider that Ralph knew that the rules that were set are important for bringing up the people or party of people. Ralph is discussed about by the others because he is appearing to be more like Piggy, seen as the talkative, brave boy who tells everyone what they are doing wrong and to listen to the chief. Ralph now understands that what Piggy wanted in the first place is important for everyone, since everyone's ultimate goal is to be rescued someday. The restrictions of freedom (the rules) is showcased as a good thing to have.
Alex D.
12/2/2012 12:35:47 pm
Yes this is true because in order to create a society is too ard to create when everybody is talking and out of control. It will never become civilized and there will only be chitter chatter.
Cally M., Period 5
11/28/2012 02:36:22 pm
Claim: Restriction of freedom is a good thing because it prevents people from performing inappropriate actions and keeps order by regulating people’s behavior.
alvin o. per. 5
11/30/2012 01:22:41 pm
Saying that the restriction of excessive freedom is a safer approach than allowing a person or a group of persons to utilize and take advantage of all of their freedom, having the possible chance that the person or group of persons may misuse their freedom. I strongly agree with this statement, having it to relate to mine very well.
Benjamin L., Period 5
12/2/2012 03:30:18 pm
I agree, rules helped or try top help us control our action and behavior. This world would become crazy and a total chaos without rules. Rules are basically the #1 important thing in life in order to survive and to have peace to this world as well.
Jacelyn K., Per 6
11/30/2012 11:30:41 am
Claim: Restriction of freedom is needed when discipline and order is used to establish a society.
Dinh T, Period 5
12/2/2012 03:34:07 am
I agree with your claim because I also believe that the restriction of freedom is needed when you are trying to establish order and discipline. Without the restriction of freedom, no one would want to work together or follow the rules. One person shouldn’t have more freedom than everyone else because that would makes things unfair for everyone else
Aron I. Peroid 5
12/2/2012 12:03:34 pm
I think that you made a good example of when restriction of freedom is needed. Your claim and evidence made me think about how important discipline is needed in a person to make them that much more successful. The discipline, which restricts freedom to a certain extent, helps society stay in order and move forward with a goal in mind.
Alvin O. per. 5
11/30/2012 01:01:30 pm
An H., Period 5
12/2/2012 04:17:04 pm
The quote was an excellent example to use since it represents the first time they did things without thinking everything through. In addition, what they did by lighting a fire caused a part of the island to be burned. If there isn't a limit to their freedom, then there could be lots more of destruction happening.
Jeffery W., Per. 5
12/6/2012 09:25:19 am
I agree with your claim and elaboration because although people want to be free, it would be chaotic and rules are needed in order to keep everything in check. If they are given a lot of freedom, then they wouldn’t learn how to control themselves and do whatever they want.
James R., Period 5
12/6/2012 08:39:18 am
I also do believe that limiting freedom is always a good thing. It's part of human nature. Sometimes it's hard for people who does not have a ethical mindset to control themselves. Setting rules and restricting freedom has always been one of the solutions. It's just like when Ralph called for an important meeting a while ago to make rules and give orders for the cause of refining the boys.
Tara D., Period 5
11/30/2012 01:05:56 pm
Claim: Restriction of freedom can be a good thing in instances where an opportunity of establishing a new society and when you need to make rules that people have to follow to have a civilized society.
Dominic Garcia Per.5
12/13/2012 04:55:00 am
I agree with tara if it wasn't for the economy right now every state in the u.s. would be fighting each other and the goverment not being able to control anyone.
Aron I. Period 5
11/30/2012 01:36:34 pm
Courtney Thong
12/2/2012 01:57:32 pm
I agree. If Maurice parents didn't punish him back home, then he would still be doing wrong things. He would also be in a different place if they didn't punish him. Since, Maurice parents weren't on the island, no one could punish him.
Wei L. Period 5
12/12/2012 12:29:48 pm
I agree that restriction is a good thing when it prevents people from doing wrong things. Maurice shows a good example of how freedom can be abused depending on where he is. I think that strict rules should be implemented on the island so it would be civilized just like his home.
An H., Period 5
11/30/2012 03:21:39 pm
Claim: Restriction on freedom is a good thing when you are trying to make a new civilization and prevent it to become something you don’t want it to be.
Dinh T, Period 5
12/1/2012 10:39:14 am
Courtney Thong
12/1/2012 04:43:53 pm
Claim:The restriction of freedom is a good thing if you want to protect someone.
Dawson W., Period 5
12/13/2012 05:05:50 am
I agree when someone starts out as a chief, people around them thinks that they have the power and that no one can harm them. In this situation Ralph is in charge and he's protecting piggy from Jack and when Ralph leaves piggy will become the main victim that everyone wants to pick on.
Aren Lim Period 5
12/2/2012 10:19:06 am
Cergio Angel Period 5
12/13/2012 05:01:08 am
I agree with your quote because of course we all need our freedom sometimes, or just to be able to enjoy freely on some things. But When it comes to being serious, or just crossing the line of going over your freedom which may lead to a crime. Then it was there must be a border line and set things with boundaries.
Alex D.
12/2/2012 12:34:30 pm
raymond(steelers fan) morales
12/10/2012 05:29:47 am
i agree
Brandon Yip Period 5
12/2/2012 12:36:12 pm
raymond(steelers fan) morales
12/10/2012 05:29:21 am
Benjamin L., Period 5
12/2/2012 03:26:38 pm
Claim: Restriction of freedom is a good way so then we would have a stabilized society. Having rules, directions, etc are important in this world and to life as well.
James R., Period 5
12/6/2012 06:41:23 am
Claim: The restriction of freedom a good thing when one doesn’t have the ethical mindset to be of his or own.
Jeffery W., Per. 5
12/6/2012 09:22:39 am
Claim: Restriction of freedom is only good when the people do not know their priorities. Freedom is most likely given to those who follow the rules.
Jose R., Period 5
12/10/2012 05:04:02 am
Claim: when you have restrictions of freedom its a good thing when rules are needed. When rules are the only thing that would be keeping the group sane everyone alive.
Jose Romero PERIOD 5
12/10/2012 05:26:00 am
Claim:Restriction of freedom is a good thing when laws and rules are forbidding and preventing people from doing things that are morally wrong.
raymond(steelers fan) morales
12/10/2012 05:29:09 am
Claim: the restriction of freedom is a alright thing when someone is in command and they are trying to bring up everyone up
Wei L. Period 5
12/12/2012 12:54:58 pm
Robert Carrasco
12/13/2012 05:30:31 am
I agree with you because Jack does try to things by force. Just like he took some of Ralph's fire without asking.
dominic GArcia per.5
12/13/2012 04:52:58 am
Claim: the restrictions of freddom is a good thing when one cannot be responsible for the wrongful actions that the people have done and not follow the rules.
Dawson W., Period 5
12/13/2012 05:03:30 am
Claim: The restriction of freedom a good thing when you try to start a new government.
Cergio Angel Period 5
12/13/2012 05:17:01 am
Claim: When there is freedom there should be restrictions. To mainly keep us together.
Robert Carrasco
12/13/2012 05:29:06 am
claim: the restriction of freedom is when you follow the rules and you don't disobey them like Jack does. everyone felt comfortable when they chose Ralph as their chief.
Raymond Tseng
12/13/2012 05:31:05 am
Claim: Restriction of freedom is a good thing when people have a desire to do malicious actions that can potentially be harmful to others.
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